20th Annual Golf Tournament Monday, May 16th at Wethersfield Country Club. Start Time 10:30 am. Lunch to be served at 12 Noon at two locations on the course. Soda and bottled water are free throughout the day! Register and pay by May 13th!
* Dinner * Prepared by Wethersfield Country Club Cocktail Hour, Hors d’oeuvres, & Buffet featuring Salad, assorted Entrée Items, Coffee and Dessert
* Prizes include * Team prizes for Low Gross and Low Calloway; Longest Drive on Selected Hole; Closest to the Pin on Selected Hole.
RAFFLE & AUCTION - Auction conducted by Scot Haney of WFSB TV Channel 3
The Keane Foundation created the 9/11 Memorial Sports Center (at the Pitkin Community Center) opening in 2008. Dick Keane and two other Wethersfield men, David Winton and Jeffery Bittner, died in the World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001. The 9/11 Memorial Sports Center is a wonderful way to commemorate the lives of all of those who died that day.
A recent winner of the Connecticut Association of Schools Distinguished Friend of Schools Award, the Keane Foundation provides After-School programs in the Elementary and Middle Schools, as well as enrichment programs in the High School.
This chapter of UNICO National was established in 1977 in an effort to bring the good works of UNICO to our town. To date, the chapter has donated over $900,000 to various charities and causes, mostly on a local level. A major portion of this money has gone toward scholarships for local high school graduates going on to college. Support has also gone to local youth activities, needs of the elderly, health appeals (mental health, cancer research, visiting nurses, etc.) high school graduation high, cultural activities and special donations to Wethersfield and Rocky Hill.